Engagement Series – Wendy & Jesse

The following post was written by the hubs himself! Take in mind, he HATES to write! Thank you lovah!

It was a freakin’ cold day! I couldn’t believe I was really gonna do this thank when the weather was horrible! Wasn’t that gonna ruin the memory and moment? Nah, because I had a plan. I decided to take my then girlfriend Wendy (from the now world-famous Just Wenderful) to the Santa Monica Pier. When we got there, not only was it freezing cold and windy, the skies were grey and the air was foggy. But, I thought to myself, “She’ll never expect this…especially on a day like this!” We walked over to the very romantic Bubba Gump Restaurant and as usual we ordered a brew or two. We then ordered the worst salmon I had ever had. After our sub-par lunch, we galloped over to the shopping area of the pier. In my mind, I started wondering if I should relly go through with it now that I had the bad weather and bad food against me. I decided to tread on and suddenly it hit me…I’ll do it on the ferris wheel! We had our first kiss on a ferris wheel years before that and the romantic story would potentially write itself! We walked over to the photobooth to buy some ride tickets and for some reason, Wendy doesn’t wanna go on! I try to convince her but to no avail we walk away, We go over to the docks and I try to find a private place but the ocean breeze is so cold that all I could think about is how nice it would be under some warm covers. We walk back to the ferris wheel and amidst the resistance, I buy the tickets! I see that my love is cold so I give her my sweater.

Tun-tun-tun. <—- That’s me!

While on the ferris wheel, my nervousness grows with each revolution. I’ve known that I always wanted to marry this beauty but at that moment it was like we were on that first ferris wheel all over again. We stop at the top. Perfect! Now everything got real slow and I thought “C’mon man! Don’t laugh or say something dumb!” I pull out the box from my pocket, look her in the eyes and pop the question! Wait for it…what? No response, what’s going on? Her face is saying yes but I don’t hear anything! Suddenly, she answers yes and I swear those 4 seconds of nothingness felt like years. Needless to say, we got married this past July and I’m looking forward to spending my life with her…along…the coast!”
Note the sarcasm and the big-ups to The Coast radio station. This is why I love this man, his sense of humor! Well, one of the many things. I went back through this blog and I noticed I never shared any e-session pics with ya’ll. Here are some of my favorite!


*These pics were taken byRob from ZoArt! I post-edited some more because I was playing around in Lightroom and couldn’t help myself!

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