Thanksgiving on Skid Row Recap

So today was the day we made sandwiches and passed them out across the Los Angeles Mission.

I wanted to document the whole event, but once it was time to pass out the bags, it got a little hectic!

We had all kinds of volunteers.  🙂

Thanks again and again to everyone who donated to those who came out to help pack and pass!

Mary Lallande     –     Brandee & Blanca Alfaro
Jennifer Salay      –     Richard Baltazar
The Jeang Fam    –     Patricia Gonzales
Shannon Lee       –     Tami Brown
Matt Lewis          –     Michelle Comparan  
Alex Vargas         –     Erika Valdez
Rocio Gamez       –     Susan Avolio
Katrina Centeno   –     Rita Clifton
Isabel Gonzales    –     and the Mister ♥

We definitely made some tummies happy.   I think what I was most afraid of was having someone open the bag and reject it, but there wasn’t any of that except for this one lady who tried selling my husband shoes and then tried to give us ‘advice’.  As we were driving away, one of the guys was eating his sandwich and gave us a thumbs up.  That was enough of a ‘thanks’ for me.

Feel like donating or volunteering with the LA Mission, check them out here.  Hope everyone had an amazing holiday weekend!


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