
If I were to have a one year weddaversary party I would go with this kind of dress and a backyard picnic! Just think:

Via 100 Layer Cake

Via OffBeat Bride

Not so sure I could pull the below the knee dresses because I’m too tall, but these are way too cute! But I love these and they both have a different edge to them! See, I wish it’d be almost mandatory to do a one-time first year Weddaversary; where the bride can wear a pretty white dress again and host a party!!! It would definitely have to be something simple (and of course not as expensive) but with as much detailed beauty like a wedding! Am I crazy here?

Ooooh, I got my business cards today! And out of my to-do list, I all I did was post more Tags on Etsy, so please go look!

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