Guest Blogger: Sofia & André of BrancoPrata!

Welcome Sofia and André of Brancoprata!  They are an amazing duo all the way from Portugal!  They are incredibly talented and you’ll see a tiny bit of what I mean here.
Hello Everyone! We are Sofia and André from Brancoprata. First of all, we would like to thank Wendy  for having us guest post on Just Wenderful (such an inspiring blog and definitely a daily read of ours). Today we wanted to share one of my all time favorite things to do on a wedding: a place where your guests can leave you some love notes!

For this post we were inspired by the fact that we are in two different continents (Brancoprata is in Portugal and Just Wenderful is in the USA). It’s quite often to have guests from out of town so what better way than to use that on your guest book/table!!

Each guest can leave a note fixated (with a colorful pin) on their exact location!

To decorate the table you can use different and fun things like magnifying lens, kites, globes and flowers! 


A really easy thing to do, you only need to buy a map, some pins and print some of these cards.
You can also use this for favor inspiration! 
 We bought (in a local supermarket) some tiny globes and put them in some colorful boxes and there we go, a sweet favor to hand over your guests.
YES!  They made a download for this and I think it’s beyond creative!  Make sure you hop on over to their blog to take a peek at all their fab posts.
Sofia and André: Thank you so very much!


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