We have Audrey from The Bella Bambino guest blogging again. Like I mentioned last week, she gets personal today but I love her bubbly personality and just how real she gets!
via Dream Fusion
The Bride Who Cried Marriage
Congratulations! You’re engaged! You want to shout it from the rooftops and sing it from every rafter. You immediately want to book your e-session and get those engagement announcements out ASAP! Or do you….? This is a great, fun, memorable experience for the first time “to-be married” couples, but is it for those on their “multiple” ones? Here’s my take:
I hate to admit it (no seriously, it took a lot of Bailey’s in this cup of coffee to say this out loud) but I am a “multiple”. I have been engaged 2x. The first time was in my early 20’s (as in still using a fake id early 20’s) and I thought marriage was the next step in our relationship. Wrong. Back Up. Young and Stupid sign flashing here. Yet at the time, I was so excited, we sent out our engagement announcements and poof, a year later we were toast. I finally gathered my ovaries enough to end what we were both avoiding. I tucked the surplus announcements away in a box and moved on.
1 year (to the month) later… Man #2 walks into my life with his charm, wit, and pouty lips and poof! 90days into it, I’m engaged again. Another round of engagement announcements, but this time with: save the dates, buy the house, the works…. This one did not end well. I ended up in bed for a solid month burying myself in tissues, and avoiding human contact. I had to send out the “sorry our wedding will not be taking place- here is your gift back” announcements
Have I mentioned I HATE announcements with a passion by now?
Another box from Engagement #2 tucked away like ghosts haunting me from failed relationships past and I’m over it! My dad now refers to these announcements as my “rookie” cards and jokes that if I get engaged again and walk down the aisle, no one will take me seriously.
So forget the boy who cried wolf, I’m now the bride who cried marriage; stuck w/ engagement announcements and a wedding dress I believe to be cursed! (I have since sold it and shredded all the announcements)
Now when my new “man-friend” asks over romantic dinners” what if we got married”, or “where do you see our relationship going… “ or “are you ever going to start bringing me to family events” I give him the stink eye, and tell him that the only “announcements” in my future are the “We got married” and end of story. I also remind him that I’m no longer keen to bring a poor unsuspecting man around a family that will joke about my “multiple engagement status to his face”.
I suppose it’s not really fair to him and this is a big Sex &The City role reversal- remember when Carrie and Big plan to get married and he’s a 3rd timer?? (fight scene when they argue about the number of guests)Yeah… that’s me, I’m Big, but you can call me Little.
From SATC, Carrie being left at the altar
So while painful, I’ve finally learned my lesson to take my time, and that “announcements” aren’t for me- but I love to see all the cute styled sessions that everyone else does.
Thanks for sharing with us Audrey! Although difficult experiences, I can see how strong you have become. Anyone have similar experiences? I can definitely relate but I believe everything happens for a reason. 🙂
Houses, Couches and Babies says
I didn't do engagement announcements but I did do save the date cards. These days, isn't a Facebook status update enough of an announcement? I know that is how some friends have decided to tell me they are pregnant (I was not happy about that!). Audrey, you are hilarious, and you will find the right guy to walk down the aisle with…even if it has to be the aisle of the courthouse like Carrie Bradshaw and Big!
The Bella Bambino says
Thank you!
Wendy... says
She definitely will! She has the brains and the looks! 😉